Strategic planners take pride in their accuracy. Numbers and detailed analysis are expected to drive strategies that are free of bias, judgement, and opinion. The larger the spreadsheets, the more secure an organization’s procedure is. All of those figures and studies feel scientific, and in today’s environment, “scientific” implies “good.”
Price wars may be economically and psychologically disastrous, wreaking havoc on an individual’s, a company’s, and an industry’s profitability. No matter who wins, the competitors all appear to be worse off than before they entered the fray. Nonetheless, pricing battles are getting more prevalent and unusually violent. Let price be the last weapon to use in fighting for market share. She is the Founder & CEO of Winfield Strategy & Innovation. She has over 17 years of experience leading teams in Strategy, Innovation, Operations, Human Resources Management, Business consulting & Communications. In those years she has spoken at over 100…
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